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$cooby releases his first video You Lied

Ben Sanderson

$cooby is a young up and comer who spits solid bars over modern trap influenced beats which is showcased well in his first video "You Lied". First off Fresco Filmz did an excellent job with the camera work and editing in this video. For shooting the whole video at pretty much one location in it's entirety, they were still able to get a rich depth of footage to fill the song. The camera work is impeccable and the subtle visual effects that were added in post production definitely resonate well. The location they picked does go well with the song in a weird way, although conceptually the forest had nothing to do with the song. The interactions between his crew and him are genuine and translate well. I have a feeling if they would've employed the use of some props or more locations it really would've pushed this videos quality to the next level. All in all though a great quality video that has quality editing just wishing for more substance and narrative.

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